
Unlimited Calling US/Canada $9.95

Another way to make money is to show this tv screen on your site. I actually like it because it keeps me up to date on current events, but you can pick from many different channels. Back to point, just click on the little white embed circle. It was very easy to add. Magazines.com, Inc.

February 27, 2009

WaoIndia Update

Account Stats:
Ads Viewed 161
Referrals 3
Referral Visits 47
Balance $ 18.45
Total Paid $ 0.00


Site Statistics

Per click $ 0.07
Payout $ 75

Total Users 17925
Premium User 246

Total Paid $ 16246
Total Hits 1866684


Site Stats

Total Members: 33761

Total Paid: 12764.46

Users Online: 110

Total Clicks: 1426937

Total Ads: 66


Total members: 75,000 +
Total paid: $31209
Days online: 240.9
Online users: 61
Payout: $6.99
Per click: $0.01

Ara-Bux Update

Your Statistics
# of Website Visits 691

Your Referral Statistics
# of Direct Referrals 16
# of Rented Referrals 35
# of Referral Website Visits 3182

Balance Information
Available Account Balance $6.6625
Lottery Balance $0
Total Amount Paid $0.00
Pending Payment $30.56

Almost have enough for another cashout!


I received 5 referrals already from them!

They have been great! I like the features. One of them is if the referral is not active you can terminate the contract. I think this will come in handy.

Check em' out!

February 25, 2009


Instant Payment

$3 min. Cash out

Ara-Bux Update

Your Statistics
# of Website Visits 662

Your Referral Statistics
# of Direct Referrals 15
# of Rented Referrals 35 - Rent referrals!
# of Referral Website Visits 2860

Balance Information
Available Account Balance $3.08
Lottery Balance $0
Total Amount Paid $0.00
Pending Payment $30.56

Well, I requested my first payout from Ara-Bux. Payout is supposed to be within 10 days.

February 23, 2009


Here is more info on them and an update.


Referral Tree Ranking
Personal Referrals #2,766
Total Referrals #7,958
Total Views #714

Yuwie has games, messages, friends, pictures, blog, schools, clubs, and favorites.

Why do I get paid?
Social networking sites are making an estimated $20 million a month while the users do all the work (social media ain't it?) and that unlike these other sites, they want to share there revenue with the users.

What do I get paid for?
You get paid for every action you take on the site. Every change you make to your profile, every picture/blog/video you post, and every time another user looks at your profile or content that you have created or posted. On the 15th of each month, Yuwie decides (based on how much they made in the previous month) how much will be given out to each user, an amount that you can track from the 'earnings' section of your profile.

How much money can I make?
While the amount of you make depends on how much you interact with the site, here is a look at sample earnings based on the 10 levels of referrals and assuming a revenue-sharing rate of $0.50.

Seems like a great idea. With most of the features of your average social networking site offered on Yuwie and the added benefit of getting paid to do what you're already doing.

Click for a Buck Update


I sent a support ticket today and asked about my payment that was susposed to be paid on 2/15. They stated I received it a couple of days ago.

Request Date Date Paid Method Account Fee Net
Feb 15, 2009 Feb 15, 2009 Paypal missythompson2000@yahoo.com $0.00 $50020.00

They also stated that my payment was $0.05 USD.

See TOS:Payouts
The cash earned in your accounts is not actual money. Payouts are based on the income of the site. The more income the site gets, the higher the payout conversion is. The actual amount you make is figured once all income is added and the number of payout requests are counted. Every month, the amount you make per request is different. Recent conversions have been less than 50 cents per $5000 request. Payouts take up to 45 days. You can request as many times as you would like in any payout period.

If I requested $50020.00, then how exactly does that equal $0.05.


I expected to be disappointed. The thing that gets me is that they have changed their TOS from the time I cashed out until now. As soon as they claim Everyone is paid they changed their TOS.


Ara-Bux Update

Your Statistics
# of Website Visits 633

Your Referral Statistics
# of Direct Referrals 12
# of Rented Referrals 35
# of Referral Website Visits 2537

Balance Information
Available Account Balance $30.5475
Lottery Balance $0
Total Amount Paid $0.00
Pending Payment $0.00

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