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Another way to make money is to show this tv screen on your site. I actually like it because it keeps me up to date on current events, but you can pick from many different channels. Back to point, just click on the little white embed circle. It was very easy to add. Magazines.com, Inc.

December 31, 2008


They claim to be a survey site. I don't really consider them that. They are a forum of sorts.

There is a lot of great information here. Products are reviewed by actual people, just like you. All you have to do is look for a product that you use and write your experiences with the product. You are paid by people reading and reviewing your experiences. This is great if you are interested in purchasing something. See what everyone else has to say about it first.

I have made 4 reviews so far and have earnings of .39 cents. I haven't been too active on Ciao. I think they may have some earning possibilities, I will try to devote a little more time to them.

Let me know what you think about them.
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